Friday, July 25, 2014


After you develop a sense of basic photography, it's time to get off Auto and start shooting with your own settings. Full Manual mode can be challenging at first, so its better to start in "Aperture-Priority" and "Shutter-Speed Priority" Modes, which almost every camera offers. In Canon P-Ss and DSLRs, the two will be marked as "Av" and "Tv" respectively, and in Nikon cameras, the two will be marked as "A", "S" respectively.
Av and Tv in Canon Cameras
A and S in Nikon Cameras

I'll have to define shutter speed and aperture before getting deeper into this topic, so it's better to define those in a separate post, and you'll get the idea of this from there only. Here I'm going to give a brief description.

Shutter-speed Priority Mode: In this mode, you'll have to set the shutter speed of the camera yourself, and the rest will be chosen by camera, the main one being the aperture.

Aperture-Priority Mode:  In this mode, you'll have to set the aperture yourself, and the camera will chose the shutter-speed. 
 Check out my next two posts for shutter-speed and aperture. Remember, the quality of a photo depends on just these two; once you have mastered these, the rest shall fall into place.

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