Thursday, July 24, 2014


1) Camera:It's needless to say that you need a camera. I've seen novice people starting shooting with a DSLR (those who don't know the difference between a DSLR and a point-and-shoot, check out my later posts), and taking weird shots, and blaming the camera for not giving him what he expected. That's not the right way to start photography. I'm not saying that if you start with a DSLR, you'll not become a good photographer; I'm only saying that it's not necessary to start with a DSLR. The higher range point-and-shoots allow you to extend your manual capabilities to a great extent, so I'll suggest that go for a point-and-shoot first, and later invest into a good quality DSLR. I've seen my brother using his phone's low resolution camera to shoot amazing photos. So, again I'm saying, the gear doesn't matter, all that matters is your way of seeing things.

2)External hard-drive: It's a thing that many people overlook. It's an external hard disk drive, for keeping back-up of your shot photos. What people generally do, is that they shoot photos, keep what they like, and erase what they don't like. You know, this is where they become one-step behind of becoming a good photographer. You have to keep your photos, regardless of how they were shot, when they where shot and where they were shot. You'll need them, for scrutinizing your mistakes and beat your short-comings. Trust me, if you are into becoming a serious photographer, you'll need it. Spend a few bucks and get a 250 GB HDD, it'll suffice.

3) Photo-editing software:You need to have some photo-editing software, to edit the photos you have taken. I'll write about them in a separate post later; here I'll only say that you need two PE softwares.
                                           a) Adobe photoshop CSX
                                           b) Adobe lightroom X.
          These two will suffice.

4) Time: You're gonna need a generous amount of free time, if you are serious.

                               These are the pre-requisites to start shooting, get them and start off. Remember, you may skip the Hard-drive, but you'll fall behind.

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